
These Violent Delights Quote Thoughts:
This was one of the first moments in These Violent Delights that I truly felt the ANGST!!! The complicated feelings Roma had of nostalgia over his past love but at the same time his grief when reminiscing over who Juliette used be was so well described in this scene! As well as Roma’s guilt over his past and blaming himself for why she changed just made me feel for him. After this scene I knew that the angst was defiantly going to hurt in this book but in the best way.

These Violent Delights Quote Thoughts:
How was young Roma so smooth and romantic when he was only fifteen?!?! These flashbacks to young Juliette and Roma back when they first fell in love were so wholesomely sweet but it hurt so much!!! I BEG for Chloe to please write more special short stories like the Christmas Special with them back when they were innocent and happy!!! Cause I just want to see more moments of them being happy together.

These Violent Delights Quote Thoughts:

These Violent Delights Quote Thoughts:
I always love a good fight scene with sexual tension and there was plenty of it in this scene! Especially when Juliette had Roma pinned down by straddling his waist with a knife to his throat. Roma outsmarting her by having more than one gun and his teasing was just so entertaining and I love this scene so much!

These Violent Delights Quote Thoughts:

These Violent Delights Quote Thoughts:
Another quote from the Masquerade Waltz scene that makes me think “THIS is a work of art!” because it’s so beautiful. The last line alone is masterfully written and Chloe Gong is such a poetic genius!

These Violent Delights Quote Thoughts:

These Violent Delights Quote Thoughts:
My respect for Roma King of Simping Montagov defiantly skyrocketed in this scene! Especially when he finally told her the whole truth about why he had betrayed her and how it was to save her life. Knowing Roma’s soft boy hopeless romantic personality and how much Roma hates violence but was responsible for deaths of many people in order to let Juliette live made me feel for him. And that confession just showed much he loved her, that he’ll rather have her be alive and hate him than be gone having loved him. I love Roma Montagov as a character so much!

Our Violent Ends Quote Thoughts:

Our Violent Ends Quote Thoughts:

Our Violent Ends Quote Thoughts:

Our Violent Ends Quote Thoughts:

Our Violent Ends Quote Thoughts:
Juliette “I crave violence” Cai is such a queen!!! Juliette being frustrated over the worlds injustices and fiercely calling these things out was one of my favorite things about her as a character.

Our Violent Ends Quote Thoughts:

Our Violent Ends Quote Thoughts:

Our Violent Ends Quote Thoughts:
Chloe Gong is an undergraduate at the University of Pennsylvania, double-majoring in English and International Relations. Born in Shanghai and raised in Auckland, New Zealand, she now lives at the top of a crumbling, ivory tower in Philadelphia (also known as student housing).
After devouring the entire YA section of her local library, she started writing her own novels at age 13 to keep herself entertained, and has been highly entertained ever since. Chloe has been known to mysteriously appear by chanting “Romeo and Juliet is one of Shakespeare’s best plays and doesn’t deserve its slander in pop culture” into a mirror three times. Her debut novel, THESE VIOLENT DELIGHTS, is being published by Margaret K. McElderry/S&S in 2020 with a sequel to follow in 2021. She is represented by the wonderful Laura Crockett at TriadaUS Literary Agency.
Check out Gong’s Author Website | Twitter | Goodreads
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