Mystery Blogger Award
Thank you Liza from The Inharmonious Heroine for tagging me with the Mystery Blogger Award! I’m so flattered, thank you so much!
The Rules
- Put the award logo/image on your blog.
- List the rules.
- Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
- Mention the creator (Okoto Enigma) and provide a link as well.
- Tell your readers 3 things about yourself.
- Answer the questions provided by whoever nominated you.
- Nominate 10 – 20 people.
- Notify your nominees by commenting on their blog.
- Ask your nominees any 5 questions.
- Share a link to your best post(s).
Facts About Me:
- I don’t have one favorite color, I have three! (purple, blue, and green)
- I’m both a coffee and tea person! I prefer iced coffee over hot coffee and hot tea over iced tea. Which makes me a coffee drinker during the summer and a tea drinker during the winter.
- Making up fictional characters/ writing about them is my biggest passion in life and my dream job is to be a published author and write full time for living.
Best Posts:
What is your favorite thing about blogging?
I love getting to know other bloggers who love books as much if not more than I do and how supportive and nice they are. I also love getting to write about my passion for books and getting to share it with other book lovers.
Who are your top five favorite literary characters of all time?
How dare you ask a book lover this question! This was so hard to answer because I love so many characters for many different reasons (ones I relate to, the cool ones I wish I was more like, the funny ones, the ones I wish were my friends, etc.) but right now these are the top ones that come to mind.
- Anne Shirley
- Jane Eyre
- Jo March
- Elizabeth Bennet
- Henry Tilney
What three books would you bring with you to a deserted island?
Another hard question since its only three books not book series! Choosing a book series that I can bring with me is much more easy than choosing a standalone.
- Jane Eyre
- Pride and Prejudice
- The Bible (Cause I couldn’t think of anything else and I’m probably gonna need it if I’m on a deserted island)
What is your most favorite book series in the world? Why?
Definitely The Lunar Chronicles, I love the characters and how the author made diverse characters without “trying” to make it diverse, it just was that way. I also love how all the characters brought something important to the plot and weren’t just sidekicks or love interests. This is one of the only series where the ending just made me want more since I love the story so much.
If you couldn’t blog about books, what would you write posts about?
If I couldn’t blog about books, I would probably blog about my writing or mental health because those are two other things in life that are very important to me.
Dorothy from starlit shelves
Xandra from Starry Sky Books
April from Booked Till Midnight
Rae from Rae’s Reads and Reviews
Kortnee from Bookish Intentions
Carmen from Carmen’s Reading Corner
Zoe from The Boundless Bookworm
Sage from Fishing for Books
John from Tales from Absurdia
Charlotte from The Pen not the Sword
- What book character do you relate to most or reminds you most of yourself?
- What are your three favorite quotes from any novel?
- What’s a genre you rarely read but wish you did?
- Do you DNF books or always read until the end?
- Why did you decide to start a book blog?
Congrats!! 🎉